Solar Energy News

6 common misconceptions about solar

The high increase in the number of panels installed yearly shows the vast opportunities and benefits of installing a solar panel in your home or business area.

Solar energy is the use of energy from the sun to produce energy. Although there are various behind the scene processes that occur before electricity is made available to power your appliances, solar energy remains a sure way to reduce pollution in the environment and save the planet.

Solar as with many other inventions has its myths and misconceptions. Everyone you meet has a say about solar. Some could be positive and others negative.

However, I  have come to realize that the opinion of people influences our purchasing decision and that is the reason I have put together this article to address some of the myths you are likely to hear about solar.

Here are 6 common misconceptions you will probably hear as you interact with people about solar.

Common misconceptions about solar

1. Solar panels will harm the roof


This is one common misconception. People often think that the presence of a solar panel on their roof will harm their roof.

Some also think that the installation of solar panels on the roof will mean breaking the roof. Both of these thoughts are wrong.

Solar panels do not harm your roof rather, they enhance the durability of your roof by shielding it from harsh weather conditions, dust, dirt bird droppings, and other things that could make the roof deteriorate.

Also, the installation of solar panels on the roof does not require breaking the roof. Solar panels are easy to install and as a bonus, the part of the building where the rooftop solar is installed remains cool even in hot weather conditions.


2. Inverters get hot, catch fire and burn down houses

Yes, inverters could catch fire. However, such incidence is rare as solar experts ensure they install the right type of inverter which could withstand, deliver and function properly. 

Not all inverters are created equally. There are different varieties of inverters. It is, therefore, the duty of your solar installer to source the best inverter for your home or business place.

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3. Solar panels do not work in cloudy weather condition

Many believe that solar panels do not work in cloudy weather and that is not true. Solar panels do work even on cloudy days. The only hindrance is that they do not perform well on cloudy days as compared to sunny days.

One thing you should know is that solar does not need heat to generate electricity. All it needs is light from the sun. So, even on cloudy days, your solar panel is estimated to generate about 10-25%of its normal power output.


4.Solar is expensive

While this is true, it is also exciting that you know how the price of solar power is rapidly decreasing. Solar panels are cheaper now when compared to when they were first invented.

The price of solar power has rapidly decreased over the years. One more thing to know, with the installation of solar panels, you get to save money and this is a high return on investment.


5.Solar panels do not work at night

The essence of installing a battery is to make electricity available to you when needed even at night. The batteries effectively harness energy from the sun during the day to be used at night to power your devices. So, you do not need to fear.

6. Maintenance is not feasible

Maintaining your solar panels and batteries is now an easy thing to do which is less stressful and impactful.

All you need to do is contact your solar installer and discuss how often the panels and batteries should be maintained. It could be twice or thrice a year depending on you and your installer.


How we can help

We are a solar energy expert with over a decade of experience in the industry.

Deciding to go solar is of tremendous benefit. We are here to guide you through every stage. Contact us here.


Solar Energy News Solar Power Solar Projects

Solar Power For Beginners



Solar energy is the most abundant type of energy in the world. It is the energy gotten from the sun. The sun helps us in different ways. For example, it dries our clothes, dries grains, keeps the temperature of the Earth balanced, and many other benefits.

As a beginner, this article will walk you through solar power and frequently asked questions about solar energy.

What is solar power?

Solar power is the conversion of solar energy which is derived from the sun to electricity. It gives you the ability to tap into the resources hidden in the sun. Instead of powering your home, farm, office, and other stations of yours with a generator or the grid, you can power them using the energy from the sun.

The sun which is 14.24million kilometers away from the Earth can release more energy on the Earth in one hour than can be used by everyone in the world in one year.

What does solar power involve?

To effectively enjoy the free energy distributed by the sun, there are some basic components you need to set up. They include:

  • Solar panels: solar panels can be likened to a fuel pump. It captures energy from the sun and stores it in a battery.
  • Batteries: The batteries are likened to a fuel tank that receives fuel from the pump. Energy is stored as direct current (DC) form in the batteries and when needed, it is converted from direct current (DC) to an alternating current (AC) by an inverter converter, and electricity is supplied to your home, farm, office, or wherever your installation was made.

How long has solar been around?

Solar has been around for a very long time as the concept of photovoltaic was discovered far back as 1800’s. The first commercial application of photovoltaics was called solar batteries and was used in 1955 by Bell labs. They were used mainly in remote areas to power telephone switches.

Do solar panels generate electricity when it rains?

Yes, they do.

All the panel needs is a little bit of light. Somewhere about 6:30 am is bright enough to produce electricity from your patterns to charge your panels.

One thing you should keep in mind is this, during rainy days, you may not produce maximum electricity. Getting more solar panels can remedy this situation. However, it is expensive so the best you can do during rainy days is to turn off all appliances and let the sun charge your batteries or you use a generator to recharge your batteries.

Can I power my refrigerator with solar?

Yes, you can. A system of about one and a half kilowatt can power your refrigerator, freezer, lights, television, and fans without any problem.

Can solar power an air conditioner?

Yes, solar power can power an air conditioner. Although, it isn’t advisable to run an air conditioner when you have a limited solar budget because it requires more storage (more solar panels and batteries) which can be expensive.

Is the power gotten from the sun as strong as the power that comes from the grid?

Yes, it is.

The power produced is a pure sine wave which is similar to the energy produced by a good quality grid. This doesn’t allow you to get the noise you normally receive from the grid due to poor transformers or cheap generators. It also produces a constant voltage which makes your appliances happy and makes you feel comfortable.

What kind of batteries does AWPS use?

At AWPS, we use lithium ion batteries only. They can be discharged to 90% and will last for 10 years or more. They are backed by a 10 year warranty

Solar is quite expensive. Why should I buy?

Of course, solar is expensive. 

Some reasons you should consider buying solar is this

  1. It saves you from noise.
  2. When you consider the money spent on fuel, (it is quite outrageous). Solar saves you from this expense.
  3. Solar reduces noise and environmental pollution
  4. Health-related hazards that are caused by exposure to fumes are minimized.
  5. Solar saves you from poor practices that can lead to permanent disability.
  6. Maintaining a generator is expensive which isn’t the same as solar. When you install solar, you pay once, and you are covered for a long period.

Yo‏u may also like benefits of solar panel installation for your home.

Solar or inverter?

An inverter is an uninterrupted power supply. It is charged by the grid or your generator. The grid and the generator are expensive

At AWPS, our systems are designed to be a permanent backup. The circuit board of the systems are thicker, they possess cooling fans so they can run for a longer period.

Solar requires no generator unless you purchase a minimal system or run days of cloudy weather. Our system charges using solar, generator, or grid power supply.


There you have it, a beginner’s guide to solar power. Have you got questions about solar power?



Do well to drop them in the comment section.