Solar Power


One shocking statistic about going solar is this; in 2018, the United States had 64.2 GW of installed solar, enough to power 12.3 million American homes.

Amazing right?

Yeah I know. That is because the sun produces enough energy every second to cover the needs of the earth for 500,000 years. The sun is that powerful and for this reason, a lot of people are excited about going solar. Going solar is one huge decision to make that can tremendously change your life home and environment forever.

The benefits of solar energy are numerous and as such, it is advisable to go solar. While this may seem like a good decision to make, there are certain things that you must consider before you go solar. Read carefully before making that decision.

Things to consider before going solar

1. Roof assessment

One of the first things you should consider before going solar is your roof. You need to assess the quality of your roof to ensure that it is facing a direction where the panels can get enough sunlight. Do not choose an area surrounded by shades as the panel will not produce at maximum efficiency under a shade. Also, the roof assessment will be assessed to ensure that it can withstand the weight of the solar panels.

2. Trusted experts

Before going solar, you should consider how and where you can find a trusted solar expert. Finding a reliable and trustworthy expert can be a daunting task but we at AWPS can make that easy for you. We are a solar company that focuses on catering to the solar needs of Nigerians. You can trust us to make your solar journey easy. Contact us here.

3. Cost

Financial analysis of the decision to go solar is one thing to be considered. The cost of purchasing and installing a solar panel varies.  See our catalog to get an idea of the cost.


4. Source of electricity

You will need to decide your source of electricity. Would you still want to be connected to the grid or would you want to depend solely on your solar panels? That is a choice you need to make.


5. Lease or purchase

Would you want to purchase a solar panel for yourself or would you want to lease one for a specific period? That is one thing to consider before going solar.


6. Batteries

You may consider adding a solar battery to your installation. A solar battery stores charges from your solar panel and makes it available for use when needed. Solar batteries will be of good importance if you want to depend solely on your solar panels and if you also intend to run your appliances even during a power failure.


7. Maintenance

How often would you be willing to run a maintenance routine on your solar panels? Twice or Thrice a year? This is also an important aspect to put into consideration. Maintaining your solar panels and batteries is a must-do as it can enhance the efficiency of your system and you need to consider how often you want it done.

Final thought

Going solar is a huge decision to make and as such, adequate attention and consideration need to be made.

Having doubts about going solar?

Reach out to us and we would schedule a call with you.


Solar Energy News

Benefits of installing rooftop solar panels

A rooftop solar panel refers to solar panels that are installed on the roof of buildings. You probably must-have seen them in many buildings and wondered why people did bother installing the solar panels on the rooftop rather than choosing another location.

There are tremendous benefits of installing rooftop solar panels. Here are few reasons why rooftop solar panel installation is preferable.

Benefits of installing rooftop solar panels

1. Direct sun

Solar panels generate electricity by the direct action of sunlight on the photovoltaic cells contained in each solar panel.


When solar panels are installed on your roof, direct sunlight strikes the panels and generates electricity.

Another advantage is that there is rarely any obstruction to the action of the sun on your solar panels when they are installed on rooftops.


2. Space and convenience

The installation of solar panels on the rooftop created more space in the compound. Rooftop solar panels make room for convincing and allow easy navigation to different areas in the compounds.


3. Utilization of vacant roof

The installation of solar panels on the roof helps you utilize your vacant roof.


4. Low maintenance

Solar panels are easy to maintain and the installation of solar panels on the roof even makes it easier to maintain as raindrops tend to wash off first which could block or hinder the efficacy of your solar panels. Quick installation

Solar panels are quick to install and are of good benefits in the long run.


5. No noise, zero emissions

Rooftop solar panels make no noise whatsoever when generating electricity. Carbon dioxide is one of the greenhouse gases that can be effectively tackled by the use of solar panels.


Other hazardous emissions released from the combustion of fossil fuel are drastically reduced by the installation of solar panels.

Giving us a stable and healthy environment.


7. Climatic changes

Rooftop solar panels and solar panels, in general, produce no greenhouse gases. If the use of solar panels is implemented widely, they can help reduce the effect of climatic change and give us all an eco-friendly environment which would greatly impact our health.


Solar Power Solar Projects

Energy Saving Tips: How to Conserve Energy at Home

Conservation of energy is an essential and ideal thing to do if you want to get the best out of your utility bills most especially if you use a prepaid meter.

To conserve energy, you need to cut down the amount of energy consumed in your home. While this may sound like hard stuff to do, it is quite simple and easy to do if you follow the tips outlined and explained below 


Keep in mind that these tips will work for your home, office, and any other place where you need to conserve energy. So, let’s dive in.


9 sure-fire energy saving tips

1. Use LED bulbs

One way to conserve energy and get the best out of your payment is to replace all standard bulbs with energy-efficient light bulbs.

Standard bulbs consume a whole lot of electric current than the LED bulbs. Although quite expensive when compared to standard bulbs, LED bulbs are energy-efficient are a better choice in the long run.

2. Use a fan when possible

Continuous use of air conditioners also contributes to the high electricity bills you pay. Air conditioners consume a lot of energy and therefore are not ideal to use always.

A fan always comes as a perfect substitute for the use of an air conditioner. The fan helps conserve energy which is just what you want to do.

3. Purchase energy-efficient appliances

As with the bulbs, it is of high importance that you purchase only energy-efficient appliances. When purchasing appliances such as iron-dishwasher er, washing machine,e, and other appliances, ensure you go for energy-conserving ones.

They are proven to be energy efficient although they are quite expensive when compared to others and they are a good return on investment for you since they conserve energy and save you the stress of high electricity bills.


4. Poor connection/electrical issues

The poor connection could be one reason for energy loss in the home. To conserve more energy, you need to contact an electrician to run a check on all writing connections and repair all electrical issues.


5. Turn off all appliances when not in use bet you didn’t know how much energy has been consumed by the appliances you left, on the whole, going out. Or did you know?

Well, if you did Kudos to you and if you didn’t know, there’s how it works.

Leaving your appliance on when not in use contributes to the vast amount of energy consumed by you. So, the next time you aren’t making use of an appliance, do turn it off.


Even something as minor as your phone’s charger ought to be the end off when not in use as this enables you to conserve more energy.

6. Shut all windows and doors when using an air conditioner

When using an air conditioner, do ensure to shut all windows and doors to conserve energy and get the best out of the power consumed by the air conditioner.

7. Home audit

Once in a while, conduct an audit on your home energy. A home audit gives you insight into the best ways to improve the energy efficiency and quality of your home.


8. Watt rating

Perform an exact rating on all your appliances to ascertain which one consumes so much energy and map out strategies to replace high energy consuming appliances with low energy consuming ones.

9. Go solar

One way to reduce the amount you spend on electricity is to get the most out of the free energy made available by the sun.

Install a solar panel and save yourself the stress of high electricity bills. There are many benefits of installing a solar panel.

Installing a solar panel gives you an edge over others as you become independent of the utility company.

To find out more about solar panel installation, contact us here.


Final thought

Conserving energy is an ideal thing to do. As above, you can follow those tips to conserve energy.

I would love to hear from you, what other ways do you conserve energy at home.